Please read following Terms and Conditions carefully before your membership enrollment.
Membership Enrollment
As a prerequisite condition of registration into MOS Membership, all clients must agree to abide by all terms and conditions. After you have agreed to the terms and conditions of MOS Membership, please proceed to membership registration.
Further information on our introduction systems
*Article 1 Purpose
Membership in MOS opens the door to a wide range of special perks and privileges.
Following terms and conditions set out various conditions that are agreed between the clients (hereinafter referred to as Member) and Master of Science Inc., (hereinafter referred to as MOS). |
*Article 2 Member
1. |
Those who have agreed to the terms and conditions, have submitted applications and have passed the screening of MOS are officially accepted as MOS Members. |
2. |
There are two types of membership governed by the terms and conditions. MOS may offer other types of membership to the extent it does not infringe on members’ benefits governed by the terms and conditions. |
(1)Corporate Membership
Those who receive scientific information with which MOS provides (hereinafter referred to Seeds) to utilize them for their business operations, including R&D, product manufacturing or those who register MOS with their needs for the up-dated scientific information
(2)Research Scientist Membership
Those who register their Seeds for the Needs of Corporate members in MOS or support MOS’ operations with their Seeds
*Article 3 Privilege
Corporate members can receive the benefits as follows: |
1. |
Free access to the profiles of Seeds and Needs. |
2. |
Preference to access to information pertaining to patent application, enforcement, and transfer in MOS’ property (or library) for three months. |
3. |
Evaluation of the Seeds by the Research Scientist members of MOS. Introduction and/or coordination of appropriate research scientists in MOS’resource for collaborative studies. |
4. |
Access to up-dated technical information. |
5. |
Complimentary invitation to scientific forums and seminars. |
Research Scientist members can receive the benefits as follows: |
1. |
Coordination of appropriate corporate members in MOS’ resource for collaborative studies. |
2. |
Access to up-dated technical information. |
3. |
Professional support for the spin-offs. |
4. |
Application and/or acquisition of the patents that they transferred to MOS. |
5. |
Distribution of the loyalty occurred according to patenting or transfer to the inventors and/or their affiliations. |
6. |
Complimentary invitation to scientific forums and seminars. |
*Article 4 Enrollment and Withdrawal
1. |
As a prerequisite condition of registration, those who have approved the aims of MOS and wish to become members should complete registration. |
2. |
Members can withdraw their membership from MOS by notifying MOS of their intention. |
3. |
Membership may be cancelled immediately at any time at the discretion of MOS if the member is deemed to be inappropriate. |
*Article 5 Providing scientific research information
MOS may provide scientific research information offered by university laboratories with its corporate members conditionally, depending on the nature of the information. |
*Article 6 Providing information to Research Scientist members
MOS provides the information provided by its Corporate members with all Research Scientist members according to Clause 1, Article 4. |
*Article 7 Membership fees
No initial membership fees or annual membership fees will be charged. Commission is occurred only when the information is taken out of the profile for exchange (or introduction) between Corporate member(s) and Research Scientist member(s). |
*Article 8 The duty to protect privileged information
The member(s) may not provide or disclose any privileged information obtained as MOS members to third parties. |
*Article 9 Responsibility of notification
The member(s) must notify MOS as soon as practicable in writing, by telephone, or via the Internet, of any changes in the Member’s personal information provided to MOS, as described in the Clause 1, Article 2.
The member(s) must notify the fact to MOS immediately when a business contract is concluded. |
*Article 10 Alteration and abolition of the terms and conditions
Alteration and abolition of these terms and conditions are made upon approval of advisory board meeting. |
*Article 11 Business year
Business year of MOS is fixed from April 1 through March 31of the following year. |
*Article 12 Disclaimer
MOS pays careful attention to the details of its operations indicated in the terms of conditions. The information posted on the Website is what MOS can provide at the present time and MOS shall bear no responsibility whatsoever for the exactitude of that information. |
*Supplementary provision
These terms and conditions of MOS take effects from July 7, 2006. |